Ask God

I read of a man who followed Christ with all his heart.  The man went to China, founded the China Inland Mission, and paved the way for the mission work in that great Empire that has continued to this day. 

Though supporting dozens of missionaries in a foreign land, he never asked for money.  He only said: “A million a month are passing into Christless graves over there.  Ask God what He would have you do.”

A man once told him: “See, the people are moved!  They are burdened for China!  If you take up an offering, you will receive so much.”

The man responded, “No.  Let them take their burdens to God.”

Moral of story: so often we are filled with burdens and heartcries.  We do something quickly (like write a check) because we cannot bear to wait.  Let’s not do that anymore.  Let’s go to God with our burdens, lay it before Him and wait before Him.

What do you want me to give? 
Do you want a check? 
Do you want my dreams? 
Do you want my pen? 
Do you want anything less than everything?

Wait and then obey fully.  Not out of a lowgrade sense of obligation, but a high grade belief that we are bought with a price to glorify God.  Forever.

