A Tale of a Giant

There’s a blasphemer in the field –
A guy toting a humongous shield.
He’s been shouting for many days,
Striking terror in a dozen ways.
He’s a giant, and nine feet tall.
His armor – the stuff’s a metal wall. 
He calls for a man, strong and brave
To come and fight, ‘til they reach the grave.
In defiance, his words ring out;
All Israel’s men buckle and doubt.
None are willing to take a stand. 
The giant – he’ll take over the land…
Unless, of course, a boy comes by,
And hears the great monster’s battle cry. 
Unless, he rises up to say,
“Who are you to defy God this day?”
Unless he throws off men’s armor,
And quits waiting for men who are abler.
Unless he says, “I come to you,
“With slings, stones, and the Lord my God, who,
“Delivered me from lion’s jaw,
“And rescued me from the bear’s strong paw.”
Unless he says, “Let none lose heart,
“I’ll take a stand, and God will do His part.
“I am a servant of my God,
“I’ll go lay the giant in the sod.”
Unless the boy goes unafraid,
To face the monster, and his blade.
Unless he’ll go uncompromised,
Unless he’s willing to be despised. 
Unless he’s ready to believe,
That, yes, God always does achieve. 
Unless the shepherd boy will cry:
“Let the world know: my God is alive!
“You come to me with your great sword,
“But, I come in the Name of my Lord.
“This day, your head He’ll give to me,
“And the God of battles - men will see.”
Unless the boy tosses his stone
And just takes his stand all alone.
Only then, the giant will fall,
Only then, will Israel’s king call:
“Who’s boy is that, who took a stand?
“Who is the one who saved our land?”
“I am a son of Jesse, sir,
“I fought the lion and the bear.
“And God gave me this Philistine,
“So you won’t forget what you have seen.”

Whatever warrior you face today,
The God of Battles has a way.
Whatever giant stares you down –
Just stand, and fight, and gain a crown.
In Him, your victory is secure.
Before Him, your crown and life, pour.
